Old Dog, New Trick


It’s a big year for JHL…we turn 15 in May. As our business evolves and expertise grows, I am consistently solicited for meetings for, “just 20 minutes” of advice on any number of subjects. Organization to organization and meeting to meeting, the questions are often the same. How do we build our brand’s reputation of who we are in the community? How do we strategically integrate public affairs and traditional marketing? How do we build and manage a successful board? How do we make our event memorable and magical? What is the secret to a great auction?

I want to help as many people and organizations as possible. I also have bills to pay, clients to focus on and employees who need my leadership. Time is short. The solution? We are creating a conversational podcast series to share best practices and lessons learned over the years to reach a broader audience. Can you teach an old dog new tricks? We will see!

Each month we’ll be sharing our tips to help you connect and succeed in public affairs, strategic communications, events and beyond. I hope you use it as a resource for either yourself, your organization, or send to a friend or colleague.

Thank you for listening and welcome to Make the Connection!

Listen Now!

Claire Grady